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Why Aesthetic Practice Owners Can’t Over-Communicate in a Covid-19 Environment

practice management May 08, 2020

3 reasons why you should repeat yourself to your staff

 After outlining new Covid protocols, meeting with your team, doing a few dry runs, and providing everyone with an updated operations manual, you might think your reopening communications have been covered.

...but you’re only half done.

"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." George Bernard Shaw

As a practice owner and leader, your job is to provide your team with definition and clarity on everything from the business vision to daily operations.


It's important to remember that what’s 'clear as day to you, is oftentimes very cloudy to others. You can't overdo communications with your team, especially now, as you prepare to reopen your practice in this uncharted Covid environment.


3 Reasons Why You Can’t Over-Communicate with Your Staff:

1. They're not mind readers.

Don’t make your team guess what you’re thinking. Transport the information that's in your mind into their minds with clear, and consistent communication. Give them a playbook and show them how to WIN. Empower them to make your life easier and your business better. You'll know you're on the right track with your communication strategy when you get tired of hearing yourself say the same thing over and over again.


2. They’re not going to remember everything.

No matter how clear the plan or protocol is to you, your team will forget. Constant communication helps everyone on your team tune in and focus on the things that matter most to move the practice forward.


3. Distraction... it's real.

While every effort should be taken to minimize distractions in the workplace, continually communicating what’s important will help keep everyone on task.

 The success of any new initiative will require your team being fully aligned.

So even if you think you've said it all before, go ahead and say it again.

Because as George Bernard Shaw puts it, "The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place."

 If you have not yet formally announced new Covid protocols to your staff and patients, I recommend doing this as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary stress and frustration - among other things. If you'd like some help, just schedule a 30-minute get-acquainted call with me here.

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Connie Kurczewski is the founder of Elevated Practice, a sales communication and practice management consulting firm that helps cash-based doctors and providers develop their team, increase conversion, reduce patient loss and elevate profitability.